Inspired by Nicole's idea at bibliographing, I have been moved to examine my own list of most read authors. Off I went to LibraryThing, where I clicked on the "already read tag," organized the list by author, and examined the results with some satisfaction and a creeping sense of chagrin:
William Shakespeare - 39
Tom Stoppard - 28
Elizabeth Peters - 19
Lewis Trondheim/Joann Sfar - 17
George Bernard Shaw - 10
Neil Gaiman - 9
Charlaine Harris - 9
Sam Shepard - 8
Judy Cuevas / Judith Ivory -8
Bill Willingham - 8
J.K. Rowling - 8
Brian K. Vaughan - 8
Ursula K. Le Guin - 7
Martin McDonagh - 6
Jane Austen - 6
Oscar Wilde - 6
Boris Akunin - 5
Agatha Christie - 5
Susan Cooper - 5
Charles Dickens - 5
Alan Moore - 5
Tamora Pierce - 5
Some greater philosophical questions immediately leaped to mind.
First, naturally, What does this list say about me?
Well, I am a reader of, let us say, disparate and polyglot tastes. You can see the residue of a decade spent pursuing degrees in Literature in the presence of various classics (Dickens, Austen), and the marks of a lifetime spent in the study of drama in the inclusion of playwrights like Stoppard, Shaw, and Shepard. Combine this with an obviously completist approach to Shakespeare, and you can see that the "S" section of my "Already read" library* is a vasty prospect.
But you can also see that I am a voracious devourer of comics (Alan Moore, Brian K. Vaughan of Y: The Last Man
Immediately after blushing for the amount of genre literature on this list, I began to question my own academicky prejudices: is this really a cause for embarrassment? Certainly not. I am pleased by the breadth of my tastes, in literature as in film and music. It shows a flexibility that is one of my own favorite features. Even when I dislike something, that repulsion is usually accompanied by a nagging feeling that I want someone who loved it to communicate the details and causes of that love to me. The pleasure to be gleaned from hating something is, for me, less rich than the pleasure of loving it.
The only cause for embarrassment comes in seeing that you have devoted a great deal of time to reading books that you haven't particularly enjoyed or admired. And there are a few of those on here. Harris's books are the prime example of books that are addictive without being (any more, at least) really enjoyable. Peters's mysteries are others that I enjoyed tremendously without admiring to the point that I would recommend them as literature (and many in number are the genre books that I would recommend as literature, I hasten to say: Judith Ivory's Black Silk
So, What does this list say about this list?
First of all, it says that the authors you read most are not necessarily the authors you like best. Often, they are simply either the authors it is easiest and fastest to read, or the authors who have written the most books and longest series. Both of these factors contribute substantially to the glommability of an author's canon. Jane Austen
Because of some of the reasons mentioned above, it also says that genre authors are going to be disproportionately represented on lists like these. I am reluctant to generalize beyond my own reading habits, but I will tentatively say that many, like me, read genre fiction faster than the ickily-designated "literary fiction." With the exception of works like Joe Sacco's excellent Palestine
There are also a few flaws in my methodology here:
First, there are gaps in the records. The books included encompass only those I have read since beginning a book diary at age ten. They also fail to take into account the many years since in which my record-keeping (and record-translating-to-LibraryThing) has been spotty, lazy, or entirely void (I'm looking at you, senior year of high school. I know more than five books were read that year, regardless of how much time I spent on the phone with my boyfriend.).
Secondly, some genres are hard to account for via LibraryThing. LibraryThing records the volumes of literature that you read, but with drama, for instance, I often read full-length works in anthologies, without completing the full volume (and thus without marking it as read on LT). I feel certain that more playwrights should appear on this list, but can't quite put my finger on who they would be.
Still, intriguing. I am most interested to note the dearth of contemporary, non-genre fiction writers on this list. Ishiguro
What, I ask you, would your list look like? And what, more importantly, would your feelings about it be?
*Which occupies the basement and ground floor of my house and a whole wall of my office. The "To be read" library (also known as Mt. TBR) occupies a much vaster territory - the middle and top floors of the house, and the two other bookshelved walls of the office. Sometimes it intimidates me. But most of the time it fills me with a sense of cosmic rightness.
** More on this soon, I expect.